
2021年12月01日 12:06  点击:[]


姓名:胡亮 性别:男 出生年月:1991.10

籍贯:四川广元 民族:汉 最高学位:博士

办公电话:0835-2882311 邮箱:huliang@sicau.edu.cn




2017.07—2017.09,University of Missouri, Animal science,访问学者


2019.03—2020.04,Aarhus University, Molecular nutrition and reproduction,联合培养

2020.07—至 今,350vip平台注册,讲师



1.Liang Hu,Niels Bastian Kristensen, et al. Net absorption and liver metabolism of amino acids and heat production of portal-drained viscera and liver in multiparous sows during transition and lactation.Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11(1): 5. (Top期刊)

2.Liang Hu,Niels Bastian Kristensen, et al. Net absorption and metabolism of β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate during late gestation in the pig model.Nutrients.2020, 12, 561.

3.Liang Hu,Xie Peng, et al. Effects of intrauterine growth retardation and Bacillus subtilis PB6 supplementation on growth performance, intestinal development and immune function of piglets during the suckling period.European Journal of Nutrition, 2017, 56(4): 1753-1765.

4.Liang Hu,Lianqiang Che, et al. Metabolomic Profiling Reveals the Difference on Reproductive Performance between High and Low Lactational Weight Loss Sows.Metabolites. 2019, 9(12): 295.

5.Liang Hu,Yan Liu, et al. Postnatal nutritional restriction affects growth and immune function of piglets with intrauterine growth restriction.British Journal of Nutrition, 2015(114): 53-62. (Top期刊)

6.Liang Hu,Xie Peng, et al. Effects of birth weight and postnatal nutritional restriction on skeletal muscle development, myofiber maturation and metabolic status of early-weaned piglets.Animals. 2020, 10(1): 156.

7.Liang Hu,Fei Han, et al. High nutrient intake during the early postnatal period accelerates skeletal muscle fiber growth and maturity in intrauterine growth restricted pigs.Genes and nutrition, 2018, 13:23.

8.Liang Hu,Xie Peng, et al. Dietary nucleotides supplementation during the suckling period improves the antioxidative ability of neonates with intrauterine growth retardation when using a pig model.RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 16152-16160.

9.Liang Hu,Lianqiang Che, et al. Effects of yeast-derived protein versus spray-dried porcine plasma supplementation on growth performance, metabolism and immune response of weanling piglets.Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 13(1):163-168.

10.Liang Hu,Lianqiang Che, et al. Inclusion of yeast-derived protein in weanling diet improves growth performance, intestinal health and anti-oxidative capability of piglets.Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 59(7): 327-336.

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